- Owner : XL (Excelcomindo Pratama)
- Main contractor/supplier : Alcatel Lucent Submarine
- Subcontractors : EGS Asia, Engkatama Indonesia, more ?
- CAPEX : approx. USD 120 mn ?? (if it's true, the length of the system shall be > 1,000 km)
- Project name : SJJK - guess S = Sumatera, J = Java, J = ?, K=Kalimantan
- Capacity : ??
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Excelcomindo's New Cable : SJJK
I don't have so much information about this issue except a few things below. If I look at the statistics of my blog, I know that some of you might eventually have more information than I :-D . So why don't you share some "public domain" information ? (okay, the magic word - please!)
Exploring BiZNET
BGP could (sometimes) be very interesting! Agree ? Disagree ? :-D Well, okay, at least for some people, communities (Opisboy-ers, heh ?? :-D )
I'm currently not a BGP expert, but it's quite fun to to see what we can do with it. So here I just want to share a case I've dealed with yesterday : BiZNET (yes, PT. Supra ...). If you do expertise in BGP, please advise ! :-D
It seems that BiZNET buys some transit capacities from pak Meneer :-D (AS4657, by the way how many ASNs does REACH currently have??). But it's quite odd, that I failed to see direct connections between BiZNET and REACH. Could it happen that these are tunneled via third parties (say, AS4761 or AS7473) ??
BiZNET seems has direct (upstream?) connections with the following networks:

I'm currently not a BGP expert, but it's quite fun to to see what we can do with it. So here I just want to share a case I've dealed with yesterday : BiZNET (yes, PT. Supra ...). If you do expertise in BGP, please advise ! :-D
It seems that BiZNET buys some transit capacities from pak Meneer :-D (AS4657, by the way how many ASNs does REACH currently have??). But it's quite odd, that I failed to see direct connections between BiZNET and REACH. Could it happen that these are tunneled via third parties (say, AS4761 or AS7473) ??
BiZNET seems has direct (upstream?) connections with the following networks:
- AS9002 RETN (?)
- AS3356 Level3
- AS15412 FLAG
- AS29208 DIAL TELECOM (?)
- AS3491 PCCWGlobal
- AS10217 NTT
- AS23947 Moratel (upstream?? - strange!)
- AS4761 Indosat
- AS9505 TWGate
- AS7473 Singtel

Monday, November 10, 2008
Asia America Gateway AAG (3)

Finally, AAG has a website! You may check http://asia-america-gateway.com !
But don't expect too much for now :-D It's almost similar to the TPE website, which is mainly intended for the members of the consortium. There is also no NEW information either. The website is maintained by PLDT and hosted at INFOCOM Technologies (Philippines).
"The birth of the AAG will revolutionize high bandwidth delivery between Asia and the USA. Designed for broadband traffic, it will provide much-needed diversity in traditional routes to the US and ensure alternate routes, expanded capacity and high levels of service during potential disasters. The AAG Cable System is expected to carry commercial traffic by first quarter of 2009."
Sunday, November 9, 2008
India's Cables : Another View
The table and picture below show another view of cables coming to/from India. It seems that the Indian government has set three locations for cable landing stations i.e. Mumbai, Cochin, Chennai.
Malaysia's International Bandwidth
Couple days ago Telegeography has reported that "TM (Telekom Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.) set to increase backbone internet capacity". By quoting COO of TM Global (a subsidiary of TM) Rozaimy Rahman, it was said that till the end of this year TM will have 100 Gbps capacity. This will further be increased by 30% to 130 Gbps in 2009 to accomodate demand for online services.
TM is surely not the only player in the business, but it of course the major player. TdC is another player but since some times ago also controlled by TM. How about Global Transit ? How about other players (if any) ? Any advise is welcome :-D
TM is surely not the only player in the business, but it of course the major player. TdC is another player but since some times ago also controlled by TM. How about Global Transit ? How about other players (if any) ? Any advise is welcome :-D
Indonesian ISPs - ASN
Indonesia has currently 200+ licensed ISPs. Several times ago I was trying to get AS Numbers (Autonomous System Number) for some of them. But I had to use a rather "hard" way :-D (e.g. one-by-one).
Is there any "easy" way to grab ASNs for a group of ISPs (say those whose "Country=ID")??
Is there any "easy" way to grab ASNs for a group of ISPs (say those whose "Country=ID")??
- Moratel : AS 23947 | CEPATNET-AS-ID | 20031103 |
- Biznet : AS 17451 | BIZNET-AS-AP | 20001107 |
- Indosat : AS 4761 | INDOSAT-INP-AP | 19960716 |
- Lintasarta : AS 4800 | IDOLA-INDOSAT-AP | 19961225 |
- IndosatM2 (IM2) : AS 4795 | INDOSAT2-ID | 19961030 |
- Telkom : AS 17974 | TELKOMNET-AS2-AP | 20011008 |
- Telkomsel : AS 23693 | TELKOMSEL-ASN-ID | 20030328 |
- XL : AS 17885 | JKTXLNET-AS-AP | 20011030 |
- CBN : AS 4787 | ASN-CBN | 19961015 | |
- Melsa : AS 9657 | MELSANET-ID-AP | 19990903 |
- Indonet : AS 9340 | INDONET-AS-AP | 19980730 |
- NAPInfo : AS 17727 | NAPINFO-AS-AP | 20010417 |
- ICON+ : AS 9341 | ICONPLN-ID-AP | 20020911 |
- DNET : AS 9794 | DNET-ID-AP | 19991229 |
- Pacific Link : AS 4855 | PI-ID-AS-AP | 19961203 |
- Quasar : AS 18364 | QUASAR-ID | 20020809 |
- Radnet : AS 4434 | ERX-RADNET1-AS | 20020801 |
- CSM : AS 18379 | CSMNAP-AS-AP | 20020830 |
India : International Telecom Access
With regard to international telecommunication (actually cable :-D ) businesses, India has several players / facilities (as of March 2008):

Credits: SK Gupta / TRAI
- International Long Distance Operators : 14
- Cable Landing Stations LS : 6
- Cable Systems : 9
- Total Designed Capacity : 18.60 Tbps
- Total Lit Capacity : 587.50 Gbps (3% of design capacity)
- Total Protected Capacity available : 100 Gbps (17% of lit capacity)
- Total Utilized Capacity : 91 Gbps (90% of protected capacity 15% of total lit capacity)
- Total Spare Capacity : 496.50 Gbps (85% of total lit capacity)

India : Telecom Growth
Well, this post is actually more to "Tower" rather than "Telecom" :-D
According to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India):

Credits: S K Gupta / TRAI
According to TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India):
- 1991- Teledensity less than 1%
- 1991- Telecom sector opened to private operator to provide mobile
- 2003- Calling party pay regime was implemented
- 2004- The growth of mobile sector started to pick up
- Government announced in May 2006 to provide 250 Million telephones by 2007 and 500 Million telephones by 2010
- Most of the growth was in mobile sector as wireline was stagnating at around 40 Million
- The estimated number of tower required to reach the target was 135,000 towers by 2007 and 330,000 by 2010
- This required huge investment of USD 10 bn by 2007 and USD 25 bn by 2010 only to setup towers (approx. USD 75 th./BTS)
- Total Number of towers : 0.22 mn (as of 31.03.2008); 36% shared!
- Total Number of Wireless Subscribers: 261.06 mn

Thailand - Some (ICT) Facts
As of end 2007, Thailand has more than 50 mn mobile subscribers (80+% teledensity - wow!) and 12+ mn Internet users.
- In line with Internet users, the number of broadband subscribers was growing ; this means greater required bandwidth
- Liberalization of IGW (International GateWay) in 2006; there are 6 (six) international gateway operators in Thailand.
- After liberalization of international gateways, the number of Internet users increases (see pic below)
- In 2007 (right after liberalization of IGW) International Internet bandwidth increased by more than 2.5 times (around 25 Gbps as of Q4/2007)
Lambda Providers
In early 2006, at APAN meeting, Yves Poppe has pointed three (early) transoceanic lambda providers (Yes, it's lambda, not just sub-wavelength capacity): Global Crossing, Level 3 and Tyco (now Tata). Currently, it shall be more than three of course. The interesting point is that demands for lambda services were initially coming from Research and Education (R&E) networking sector - in early 2000s. Well, it's no doubt, SURFnet was at a prominent role at those times.
Early transoceanic gigabit connectivities:
Credits: Yves Poppe; (formerly or still at) Tata Teleglobe
Early transoceanic gigabit connectivities:
- First transatlantic gigabit level circuit : 2001: 2.5 gig Surfnet to Chicago Starlight
- First transpacific STM-4’s : 2001: two Transpac STM-4’s
- 2002: first transatlantic 10gb : Surfnet leads again
- National R&E networks start to go dark fiber: Canarie’s Bill St.Arnaud and Surfnet’s Kees Neggers amongst trailblazers; Lambda switching and speed records
- High Energy Physics and Astronomy provide much of the intercontinental impetus
Credits: Yves Poppe; (formerly or still at) Tata Teleglobe
Jasa Marga's Fiber Optic Link (JSMR)
PT. Jasa Marga (JSMR) has begun developing their own fiber optic infrastructure; their first intercity optical cable links Bandung and Jakarta and it's actually ready for service since the end of 2007. Almost similar to PLN and PGN, it is initially intended to fulfill their internal needs e.g. to connect their offices, automate data collections, surveillance etc. But the cable capacity would surely more than these internal needs. Current terrestrial optical cable shall have at least 96 cores, right ?
- "Perseroan telah menyelesaikan pemasangan jaringan kabel fiber optik di sepanjang jalan tol (Bandung menuju Cawang, Jakarta) dan siap untuk dikomersialkan" (JSMR-2007)
- "T Jasa Marga Tbk (JSMR) berencana memasang kabel optik di sepanjang jalan tol seluruh Indonesia." (Bisnis.com-10/2008)
- Saat ini baru sepanjang jalan tol Jakarta-Bandung yang sudah terpasang, nanti akan kami pasang di seluruh ruas tol," - Direktur Utama Jasa Marga Frans S Sunito (Bisnis.com-10/2008)

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