Sunday, March 15, 2009

DMCS (2)

Just found the official DMCS website couple times ago. It's host under Telkom's domain.
Dumai-Melaka Cable System (DMCS) represent the project of fiber optic communications cable title under sea to accommodate growth of high communications traffic among Indonesia and Malaysia

PT Telkom and Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) develop System Communications Cable Go out to sea Dumai-Melaka as long as 150 km with investment 9,3 million US dollar represent strategic step

Melaka and Dumai selected as landing station because its location assessed strategic as interconnects to channel traffics from each operator. DMCS very required to remember its excelsior request from Indonesian traffic to Malaysia and vice versa, more than anything else infrastructure capacities.

SKKL DMCS getting through Strait Rupat and this Malacca Strait represent submarine optical cable system unrepeated with multiplexing division wavelength technology ( DWDM). This technology enable a tired optical fiber communications with a long distance transmission which a minimal amount of amplifier

DMCS capacity in this time is 20 Gbps or equivalent by 121.000 maximum extension phone at a time and DMCS maximum capacity is 320 gigabit per second ( Gbps), equivalent by 3.870.720 extension phone at a time


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